
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Where I want to be Ten Years from now.......

As everyone now knows, I'm nearing the end of my undergraduate degree, which of course makes me think a lot about the future. I'm not the biggest Beyonce fan, but I love this video/song because it describes EXACTLY how I want to feel 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years from now. Right now, I turn 24 on January 24th, and every year counts as far as living life to the fullest.

When you are ambitious, success is not a goal, but more like a ladder, with different levels. I think when I hit the 20 year old decade I felt proud, so hopefully I feel that way when I'm thirty..... times a million.

When I was in high school, this random man stopped me and my  friend on the side of the road and said " You are going to have millions cry at your funeral". His friend who was accompanying him said " Believe him, he's psychic". Sounds crazy and a bunch of crap doesn't it? But for some reason that day always stuck in my mind.

Of course touching millions of people is a HUGE goal, and is definately up to God whether that will every happen because one in a million people get to have that experience of being used by God in such an extreme way for good, but I think I do what my legacy to live on in a very positive way.

I want to be:
  • A philanthropist. Of course there is no mystery why I chose Social Work as my field of choice. I LIVE to help others....I do not know what I would do if I wasn't doing that everyday. So why not be one of the few people who are blessed to get paid for what they love? I would love to own my own non-profit organiztion one day, maybe two, or three.
  • A business woman. Always searching for new goals.
  • A Social Activist. I have a huge passion for policy change, and I love to educate others about how they do have power over their life
  • A motivational speaker....Ok. This is probably the scariest one. When I public speak, I always feel nauseous right before, because I have always HATED public speaking. But lately I have forced myself to try.....Pageants, being president of a important student organization, speaking at events as a social worker. So one day I hope to master this because I LOVE hearing inspiring people talk and always wish it could be me.
  • A wife...Yes I said it...but not just anybody's wife. Someone who's ambition and faith inspires me so much, that I didnt stand a chance! Yep :)
Bottom achieve goals, you have to take CHANCES. They sure are pretty scary :( But I always tell myself, "If you are not doing this because of fear, then you better get over it :) " There are millions of other LOGICAL reasons not to do something.

Hopefully about hmmmmm 6 years from now, I will be able to touch...... thousands.....One step at a time....



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