
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Where I want to be Ten Years from now.......

As everyone now knows, I'm nearing the end of my undergraduate degree, which of course makes me think a lot about the future. I'm not the biggest Beyonce fan, but I love this video/song because it describes EXACTLY how I want to feel 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years from now. Right now, I turn 24 on January 24th, and every year counts as far as living life to the fullest.

When you are ambitious, success is not a goal, but more like a ladder, with different levels. I think when I hit the 20 year old decade I felt proud, so hopefully I feel that way when I'm thirty..... times a million.

When I was in high school, this random man stopped me and my  friend on the side of the road and said " You are going to have millions cry at your funeral". His friend who was accompanying him said " Believe him, he's psychic". Sounds crazy and a bunch of crap doesn't it? But for some reason that day always stuck in my mind.

Of course touching millions of people is a HUGE goal, and is definately up to God whether that will every happen because one in a million people get to have that experience of being used by God in such an extreme way for good, but I think I do what my legacy to live on in a very positive way.

I want to be:
  • A philanthropist. Of course there is no mystery why I chose Social Work as my field of choice. I LIVE to help others....I do not know what I would do if I wasn't doing that everyday. So why not be one of the few people who are blessed to get paid for what they love? I would love to own my own non-profit organiztion one day, maybe two, or three.
  • A business woman. Always searching for new goals.
  • A Social Activist. I have a huge passion for policy change, and I love to educate others about how they do have power over their life
  • A motivational speaker....Ok. This is probably the scariest one. When I public speak, I always feel nauseous right before, because I have always HATED public speaking. But lately I have forced myself to try.....Pageants, being president of a important student organization, speaking at events as a social worker. So one day I hope to master this because I LOVE hearing inspiring people talk and always wish it could be me.
  • A wife...Yes I said it...but not just anybody's wife. Someone who's ambition and faith inspires me so much, that I didnt stand a chance! Yep :)
Bottom achieve goals, you have to take CHANCES. They sure are pretty scary :( But I always tell myself, "If you are not doing this because of fear, then you better get over it :) " There are millions of other LOGICAL reasons not to do something.

Hopefully about hmmmmm 6 years from now, I will be able to touch...... thousands.....One step at a time....


Some topics are just pointless. 30 Day Blog Challenge #8: What You Ate Today (Like you Care????)

Well I just got up so we'll go with what I ate yesterday????

I woke up and ate a (turkey) sausage buscuit that my mom made. As most people know, I was raised not to eat pork, so you won't catch me eating a regular one, or any other pork meat for breakfast (bacon, etc.)Me and my bestie Pretty Pisces went to find makeup for her and pageant stuff for me, so I was way too into that to eat lunch, but for dinner I ate Chili's Chipotle Chicken Chrispers (Yum!)
I'm not a big "eater" so you will rarely catch me saying I ate three large meals in a day. I don't think I ever really even have time for that anyway......


Monday, January 2, 2012

to SLOW DOWN....Ambition can be exhausting!

Ok... Lately because of Winter Break....I have been forced to slow down from all of my ambitions. Been sitting around my parent's house....and got sick!!!! I guess all the ambition from the last year has caught up with me. And its the first time I been sick the whole time. Last year has been ridiculously hard for me as well as ridiculously rewarding and I have grown more in that year than I have for a looooonnng time.

Happy New Year!

I realize a mistake. Do not inticipate the next year! Its exhausting! I look back on all of the work that I put in in 2011 to overcome and achieve, and it doesn't make me too excited about 2012! In January alone I have the biggest even of my life (Miss Alabama USA 2012), My birthday, the National Champtionship (Roll Tide), Spanish Fly, and the pressure of starting my final semester on the right track at the University of Alabama, as well as finding a new car and job to last me the rest of the year! Enough to make a girl exhausted right? Not to mention Grad School and being on my own starting in May!!!!!! This is how I feel right now:

Moral of the story: To All my ambitious girls, Live the next year one day at a time.....If not you will go crazy! Ambition comes from within. We are our biggest motivation!

Much Love and Happy 2012,
